With temperatures feeling closer to 30, Summer's energy and warmth remains over my little part of the world, extending that oh-too-short period of Canadian weather here. I'm hoping that the weather continues to warm you, wherever in the world that your are reading this.
Well, it's no surprise to me that Benjamin Biolay retains his seat atop the list again this week. All of us here at This is Lounge are thoroughly enjoying his album, Trenet.
The two Michaels - Bijker and e - duel it out over positions number two and three respectively, knocking our beloved Canucks, Snowday, down a few notches to number five. I'm sure that those "ambient boys" won't be down for very long. Having just announced the release of a new E.P., I'm sure we'll be hearing some new music from them on the air in a short while. Stay tuned for more on that.
Besides Snowday, we see Papik and Igor Gerzina slip down from their positions held last week, making room for Sven Van Hees, Jesse Cook, and Daniel Pemberton to slowly advance upward.
As our current Top Ten artists remain within those confines, the Bubbling Under artists remain bubbling under for another week, awaiting their chance to move up, and increase their air time on the station.
There is so much new music coming out lately, it's a constant battle trying to stay on top of them all. My ears and my brain are constantly being overworked, looking for that next great track that will make This is Lounge a better station. But it is a labour of love. As many of you fellow loungers consistently post in Facebook, Twitter, and groups like Guido's Lounge Cafe, music is our escape, our peace of mind, our refuge from the storm of everyday life, our stress reliever. The artists you choose are grateful for your support.
As am I. Thanks for your continued support of This is Lounge. The growing listenership is your approval of what goes out over the air. Battling for your time and your ears in a world of Spotify and Apple Music Service, and Mixcloud and Soundcloud, really makes me grateful that you're taking the time to listen here. Perhaps This is Lounge is your escape from Spotify! Whatever the case, thanks for your support. Your word-of-mouth support to friends and colleagues, getting them to listen is most grateful. Thanks.
Now.....on to the list!
Bubbling Under
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