After a few false starts it appears that Sring has finally sprung in my little corner of the world! With a weekend forecast heading towards 20C tomorrow, it's a perfect chance to start working on that summer oasis. Whether it be a backyard patio, a rooftop terrace, or a condo balcony, now's the time to prepare that Summer chillout spot.....accompanied, of course, by the soothing sounds of This is Lounge!
We've had so much new music joining our airwaves this week, making our Bubbling Under list positively bubbling over with great new sounds. This week marked the release from our friend SAMBOX. (Scroll down in the blog for my announcement of the release of Guest Star.) A wonderfully creative collection, I'm sure that you'll agree that we could not choose just one track to play. So tune in and listen for the Smoking Mix of the title track and the wonderfully seductive, You're Beautiful.
Congratulations are in order for Sanjay Chitale & Sandeep Chowta's Buddhalicious track, Anu, as it leap frogs into the number one spot this week. This leaves Phigroa and ORDOG to round up the top three.
Soundcloud discovery, Mode & Light, jump into the fray at number nine, with their cover of Air's Highschool Lover.
I'm always accused of rambling on, so this week, I shall keep it short. I am so grateful for your support as a listener. Not only am I competing with every other radio station, but there's also Spotify and Apple Music to contend with. Thanks for taking the time to tune in.
Thanks for supporting the artists we play.
Bubbling Under
SAMBOX - You’re Beautiful
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