Happy New Year, my fellow loungers!
No doubt that after all the festivities and revelry leading up to that famous Midnight hour, you all stepped back to chill out for a while. Perhaps you tuned into This is Lounge, or perhaps you simply slipped on that special piece of vinyl from your collection to put you and yours in a more relaxed mood.
Due to the festivities around here last week, the Top Ten was not posted. Apologies for those waiting to see, but hey, "all work and no play....."
Over the holidays saw some great new music added to the playlist. Pier-O's new release has really been getting under our skin here. So much so, that we decided to start playing a second track from his album, Passion. The same could also be said for Soundcloud discovery, Kant Sleep. Beautiful work from both artists.
Speaking of Kant Sleep, She's My Jazz rules the roost this week as it tops the chart for the first Top Ten of 2017. A greart start to the musical New Year! Congratulations!
Over the holidays, my friend Matt Smith, gave me a very special Christmas present - a new Birth of The Fool song! Skipping right past the Bubbling Under tracks, it immediately found placement in the Top Ten. I hope you've been enjoying the seductive Where Aare You Going? as much as we have, over the last week or so!
Listeners will have also noticed that with the worldwide success of the new film La la Land, the soundtrack and unforgettable "single" release, City of Stars, has been stuck in everyone's head. To be a little bit different, we decided to play the "Humming" version. Since everyone around here was caught "humming" the melody, it became infectious, leading us to choose this more laid back and simple version to include in the playlist. Needless to say, I'm sure that the original will be played on most other commercial stations.
As we begin the new year, let me thank all of you for supporting the station. As we work our way towards the Spring thaw, we'll be adding a lot of new music to keep you listening. So, continue to stay tuned! We are also working on getting some swag out there....more to come on that. A big thanks to all of you for supporting the artists. Through word-of-mouth and listening, they're reaping the benefits of airplay here and elsewhere. And that elsewhere could be from friends such as Guido's Lounge Cafe or Koop Kooper and his Cocktail Nation, or the other wonderful radio shows and mixes that my brothers and sisters in this community work so hard at producing and getting out there, on Mixcloud and other internet venues. I salute and praise all of you. I like to think we inspire each other, and keep the creativity flowing. Thanks to all.
I would also like to thank all of you that are taking the time to go to www.thisislounge.com and casting your vote for your fave New Release. This interaction brings us all closer together. We wellcome it to continue in the new year.
Now, on to the chart. As my friend Koop Kooper likes to say at sign-of - Stay hip!
Bubbling Under
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