Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Top Ten - week ending 28 January 2017

Welcome back, my fellow loungers! 

Tis the last weekend of January, as we kiss those "blahs" goodbye, and count down the eight or nine weeks until Spring! Already planning those outdoor activities? 

As those hours of daylight continue to get longer, (if you get any daylight between the clouds) tune in and chill out any time here at This is Lounge. You're always welcome.

Notifications on the World Wide Web this week from London-based artist, Phil Mison, better known as Cantoma, announcing a new 12" EP entitled Talva Lumi on February 2. For a sneak preview and pre-order information, head on over to their website. New music from Cantoma is always exciting news.

Lemongrassmusic artist, Mirage of Deep, climb into the Top Ten this week with a beautiful piece entitled Romantic Fields, taken from their new release, Subliminal Perception.

The prolific artist that is Michael e continues to hold the top chart position with Beautiful, as fellow Chill artist, Pier-O, remains hot on his heels at number two. Both are well deserved of their positions.

I must say, the current popularity of the film La La Land, has really made an impact here. Your online votes at has proven that City of Stars is not only popular, but downright  "brain sticking" - It continues to be stuck in my heard! The film's recent Oscar nominations, coupled with it's Golden Globe wins, (and possibly Screen Actor's Guild Awards wins tomorrow), makes this jazz-related musical one of the true Hollywood classics, alongside those that inspired it.

Again, thanks for tuning in. I certainly do appreciate the listenership, and the stats reveal an audience from around the world - Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, and many more. This easy listening sound is truly universal, and I thank you for choosing (what I believe) is a unique playlist amongst the other Chill/Ambient genre stations.

As always, thanks for supprting the artists through their websites or an authorized download dealer. It keeps the music coming.

Now, on to the chart. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Bubbling Under

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